Roll4 Review: LitRPG Adventures Generators
Are you ready for the next generation of Tabletop RPG Generators? Paul Bellow has the answer for you. Paul is the creator of LitRPG Adventures, a collection of Tabletop RPG Generators based around the GPT-3. What is GPT-3? It is an artificial intelligence generation software. It can dynamically create text based on a (relatively) minimal amount of input from you.
Now, it’s no secret that I absolutely love generators. At time of writing, we have 85 different generators, perfect to help you flesh out your characters and settings. In fact, we even used GPT-3’s predecessor to create a fan script of The Adventure Zone, for both the Balance, and Amnesty campaigns. One day we hope to dive into that again for TAZ:Graduation, but for now we’ll have to wait until OpenAI approves our waitlist approval (fingers crossed). Again, we love generators to a point bordering on obsession, so when Paul reached out to us for a review of LitRPG Adventures, how could we say no?
What can be created?
The best part about using GPT-3 means that every time you run a generator, it will create something entirely unique. Where many online description generators can create an impressive amount of description, it is typically still formulaic in nature. Whereas with LitRPG’s generators the engine building the text is nearly limitless. It’s biggest strength is in the details of what it creates. When you’re choosing something to generate, you can also choose the writing style from some of your favorite fantasy authors, although some seem to have more of an effect on the text generated than others.

There are of 17 generators that can be run from LitRPG Adventures at the time of writing;
- Character Backstory
- Quests
- Skills
- Spells
- Spell Components
- Patrons
- Overland Area
- City/Town/Village
- Tavern/Inns
- Magic Shops
- Governments
- Dungeon Descriptions
- Creatures
- Mimics
- Magic Items (2 variations)
- Undead
How well does it work?
When something is created by litRPG, it’s spectacular. Occasionally, it will generate something a bit on the ridiculous side, but that’s what’s amazing about it. It is able to come up with ideas and concepts that are well outside the normal boundaries of most generators. The sentences are cohesive and differ vastly from one iteration to the next. But don’t take our word for it, here are a few magic items:

How is the experience?
The user experience is pretty good at the time of reviewing. Finding generators and navigating the site is incredibly intuitive. The layout, text size, and spacing makes it easy to read, and copy.
With that being said, there are still a few issues that need to be worked out. The Tavern Generator came up with an error whenever I we tried to use it, and the Dungeon Room generator did not bring us to a live page. But, LitRPG is still in development, so as time goes on, you should encounter less of these.
However, when you generate, make sure you take a screenshot of your generated material. Currently there is not a way to save, or view your saved content, although it looks like this is actively being worked on, which will greatly increase the usability of the site. I think this is a “must have”, and eagerly await it’s completion.
Overall, parts of this website have a distinct feel like it’s still in a beta stage as it’s not always clear which generators or pages are unfinished. A simple solution to this would be to clearly mark testing generators or features as a beta feature, so you know going in that this is new and being tested. However, I do still expect this to get even better as time goes on. Many of the generators, such as the Magic Item generator and Dungeon Description generators worked flawlessly every time.

What’s the cost?
Wait a minute. There’s a cost? Yes, there is. And for good reason. GPT-3.
The GPT-3 infrastructure costs money to run. Every time it’s run. If LitRPG did not have a charge to their product, they would not be able to sustain it. LitRPG offsets this cost by having you purchase credits, and spend them when you run a generator. Each time you run a generator, you will use 4 to 12 credits, with an average of 10 credits per generated content. For $5, you can get yourself 400 credits, and be able to generate around 40 unique, one-of-a-kind pieces of content.
From the cost of running GPT-3, I believe this cost is reasonable. Actually, this is a pricing model that I actually really appreciate. You don’t have to spend a monthly charge (although that is an option as well), you only have to pay for what you use. If it takes you a year to use your 400 credits, then so be it!
However, LitRPG does have one more trick up their sleeve.
Community Content
This is the holy grail of this tool. In addition to being able to create your own, unique content, you will also be able to share your generated content with the community. There are hundreds of spells, items, locations and descriptions that have been generated previously, and you’re able to view them all. This is a treasure trove of inspiration for any fantasy game, and is well worth the price of admission already. What makes it more so, is that the library is only going to grow as time goes on. Since the community content is already created, it doesn’t cost credits, you simply have access to it.
These can range from funny results that the generator came up with (including my personal favorite):

To items with lore that’s ready to go:

Either way, the Community Content aspect of LitRPG Adventures is something to watch out for. It’s going to be a hoard of glorious Dungeons and Dragons information in a short amount of time. And it will keep growing and getting better.
Our Take
So, we’ve talked a lot about what LitRPG can do, but we still haven’t answered the most important question. Do we recommend it? And unfortunately that’s a complicated question in this case.
That Depends.
If you are as excited by what GPT-3 can do, as we are, then definitely. You can have it work for you and create 100% unique content for your game, all for a low cost of entry with the work all being done for you. Even if you’re just looking for a collection of community content for at a low price point, this is a great option. You may have to fluff some of the stats, and fix some formatting, but this lore behind what’s generated is absolutely wonderful.
However, if you’re looking for a perfect, polished user experience, LitRPG isn’t quite there yet. But it is close. When the My Content section is completed so I can easily look up items that I’ve created, the usability will increase dramatically. A few disclaimers on which generators are still in beta would also go a long way so you know you may or may not be on stable ground.
That being said, the quality of the items generated is unparalleled in any other generator that we’ve seen. The history and stories generated are exquisite, and full of lore that will be perfect for every game. I am beyond excited to see what tomorrow has in store for LitRPG Adventures.