The Countries of Mitica

Civilizations have grown, thrived, and fallen countless times since the introduction of widespread travelling. In these times, these beings have spread their influence throughout the world of Mitica. Their beliefs, values and ideas largely depend on their home country as opposed to their ancestry. Language of each of these countries, however, is largely based on the heritage of those that settled in that area.


Area: 137,929 km2
Population: 4,830,000
Capital: Seirteira
Government Type: Particracy (Loyalist Party)
Governmental Leaders: President, 5 Vice Presidents

The Geshian people have recently entered into an uneasy truce with the Phendorian Empire, working directly with the Empress to ensure that the ceasefire will last for generations. Gesh’s government consists of only one political party, the Loyalist party. Of the party the highest position is the President, with 5 Vice Presidents, each with their own portion of government they oversee.

The primary export of Gesh is agricultural due to the lush nature of their region. Even during centuries of war, food was traded between the Gesh and Oustwin borders for ore and gemstones. Much like Phendor, Gesh also has a national religion named after its country, however practice was not mandatory as it was in Phendor.

The populace of Gesh is known for their friendliness and hospitality, however, when this is not returned, many are quick to anger. Duels are lawful within the Geshian borders when they feel insulted, though this is rarely to the death in the modern era. Their major tenants of their society are based on respect, honor, and wrath. The national animal is the snake and official languages include Common, Elven, Gnomish, and Gesh (a hybrid language of Elven and Gnomish).


Area: 31,844 km2
Population: 1,310,000
Capital: Orcium
Government Type: Geniocratic Micro-State
Governmental Leaders: 1 Arbiter, 3 Chancellors, 7 Chieftains

A mighty city-country that is completely surrounded by The Sands. Centuries ago, Orcium was carved out by a large tribe of Orcs. Originally nomadic, the Orcs of that time took many aspects of culture from those around them, and blended them together to create their own unique blend of architecture, art, laws and society. Aspects of The Sands, Gesh, Vincer, and Oustwin are seen throughout of Orcium.

The Micro-State of Orcium is considered Geniocracy, where the intelligent and wise raise politically. Chieftains are elected from the cities various districts, based on their aptitude in lower government and trade. The three Chancellors must be elected by a unanimous vote by all 7 Chieftains, and the Arbiter elected by Unanimous Chancellor vote. 

Orcium holds the tenants of might, honesty and honor above all else. Judgement is swift, leading to a low crime rate. Their national animal is the ox, and are known for their strong defences. Primary Languages of Orcium include Common and Orcish.


Area: 129,331 km2
Population: 1,990,000
Capital: Taník
Government Type: Constitutional Aristocracy
Governmental Leaders: 5 Governors, 4 Judicial Senators to Phendor

Oustwin exists as part of the Phendorian Empire, lying between a centuries old battle between Phendor and Gesh. The land of Oustwin is mountainous, separating the Phendorian and Geshian borders. Although free to govern their own laws

Half of Oustwin resides in the gem-rich mountains on the eastern edge of Oustwin, and the other Half is a trade harbor that lies south of Phendor. With Phendor’s ore rich mines, this lets Oustwin 

While the national religion of Oustwin still remains as the Phendorian religion, there are few in Oustwin that actually practice. Their national animal is the Wolf and are known for being tough, hardworking and craft. Primary Languages include Common, Phendorian (Dwarven Dialect), and Dwarven.


Area: 117,407 km2
Population: 4,780,000
Capital: Phen
Government Type: Constitutional Aristocracy
Governmental Leaders: Empress, 5 Judicial Senators, 4 Oustwin Judicial Senators

The history of Phendor is filled with war, privilege and classes. For centuries Phendor was at war with the neighboring nations of Oustwin and Gesh, and the Phendorian way was to conquer them both, succeeding more than a hundred years ago with Oustwin being added to the Phendorian Empire. Within the past decade, the war has officially ended, and Oustwin largely governs itself, despite still being part of the empire. However, bitter feelings still exist between many Phendorians and Gesh.

Phendorians do have a national religion in the worship of their deity Phen, a devil whose death brought about the end of the war. Despite Phen’s true nature, the Phendorian religion is still practiced through ceremonial blood letting. The National animal is an Eagle, and the major tenants are Strength and Discipline . Phendorian high-society is known for their flamboyant style, and superiority complex. Alternatively, others are known for being grounded, but stern in nature. National languages include common, Phendorian (a Dwarven dialect), High-Phendorian (which is only spoken by the nobility and is notorious for being difficult to master).

The Sands

Area: 1,210,754 km2
Population: 9,380,000
Capital: None
Government Type: A collection of City-States
Governmental Leaders: Varies by City

The Sands are notorious for being a brutal landscape, consisting mostly of desert. Life in the sands is difficult. Food, water and shelter are scarce, and expensive. Due to its difficulty to traverse, harsh conditions, and sparse water, no official government has risen in most of the Sands.

Most cultures of the sands have found an oasis and usually function as trading posts, or mining towns. Due to how restrictive travel is for anyone inexperienced, oasis cities usually has a variety of skilled craftsman. However, many cultures of the Sands are actually nomadic in nature, moving from oasis to oasis, surviving on traded goods from one town to the next. 

Within City Limits, each city’s laws are absolute. In any unclaimed territory, no actual laws exist, which can frequently cause tension. This also has lead to the rise of pirating in enormous sand ships, raiding smaller cities and other nomadic cultures.

There is no official animal, religion, flag, or government in the Sands. Languages can include Common, Gnomish, Goblin, and Orcish.


Area: 419,319 km2
Population: 14,960,000
Capital: Concemala
Government Type: Meritocratic Aristocracy
Governmental Leaders: 13 Viceroys

The country of Vincer is one of momentous deeds. It is a country based both on merit and lineage. While there are those that are born with a higher social class, for those that were not high-born the only way to increase your standing in society is by your own accomplishments. Likewise, nobility that is disgraced or seen as ‘lazy’ can lose their family’s standing. This has created a society of go-getters, highly praising exploration, tactical prowess, and business savvy. 

The government consists of a council of 13 Viceroys, each governing one of the 13 states of Vincer. Each state, likewise, is comprised of 13 Barons, one of which are designated by each of the 13 Viceroys for each state. The pool of Barons that can be appointed are voted upon by the public.

Vincer has a fast-paced tempo, with the citizens being known for their loudness, bluntness, and fast cadence. Their national animal is the Jackrabbit, and their national languages are Common, and Goblin.


Area: 158,104 km2
Population: 5,050,000
Capital: New Arais
Government Type: Republic
Governmental Leaders: 1 Chancellor, 47 Senators

An island country, a few miles off the coast of Phendor that draws adventurers worldwide to find work and explore its secrets. Zexen encompasses 45 counties, and the cities of New Arais and Bearington, with each holding to their own laws and customs. This leads to a vast and diverse culture that is celebrated across the nation.

Zexen has a rather simplistic Laissez-faire government style. It is governed by a set of inalienable rights created by the Republic, with the remainder of the laws being created at the territory level of government. Each County is required to send 10% of its guard to the Capital, New Arais, for a year of service, and 5% of their revenue.

What makes Zexen truly unique, is that most of their economies are based on that of adventurers. Large sums of currency are acquired by adventurers and then dispersed in taverns, restaurants, item restoration, and refinery. Most dangerous tasks are also normally handled at the local level, with governments hiring adventurers to do the dirty work. The National animal is the Ursowl. Common is the only national language of Zexen, with each County having an option for a secondary or tertiary language.